At La Belle Peau we use state-of-the-art electronic skin needling device with very fine medical needles oscillating back & forth at high speed to create tiny puncture wounds on the skin. This process stimulates natural collagen production by generating a wound healing response. This process can be further enhanced by an infusion of a potent cocktail of active ingredients tailored to your skin condition and concerns. Treatment duration: 45 minutes.
Is there any downtime?
Down time post procedure varies with the intensity of the treatment but the procedure is non-surgical, non ablative and minimally invasive. It is performed under strict sterile conditions and all needle tips are safely disposed of after single treatment use. Hygiene is of the highest importance here at La Belle Peau. Immediately after treatment expect skin redness, which will calm to a pinkish hue, like a mild sunburn, which can last up to 24 hours, depending on the depth of the treatment and the individuals skin type.
Please stop using Vitamin A skincare 48 hours prior to your procedure. It is best to arrive with freshly cleansed skin, free of make up. If you wish to use local topical anaesthetic, please apply it 30 minutes before your appointment time. By law, we cannot supply or apply local topical anaesthetic (LTA) on clients. LTA is available to purchase at any pharmacy.
If you wish to wear makeup within the first 12 hours, only medical makeup is safe to use during this time. Please ask your skin clinician. No retinol or active skincare products (including cleansers which may have exfoliating properties such as AHAs ) are to be applied to the skin for 5-7 days post procedure. Sun exposure is to be avoided. We encourage the use of hyaluronic acid and skin healing pure mineral make up in the days after treatment.